zkSync Era Testnet Airdrop Guide

zkSync Era Full Testnet Airdrop Guide

1) Add the testnet network

- Open Metamask and click on the dropdown of Networks
- Click on “Show/hide test networks” and enable the “Show test networks” setting
- Head over to https://chainlist.org
- Search for zkSync Era Testnet
- Click on “Include Testnets
- Add it to your Metamask wallet

2) Get Goerli Testnet tokens

- Head over to https://goerlifaucet.com (view full faucet list in Dyl-i-Y Discord)
- Claim your testnet ETH
- Once received, head over to https://goerli.portal.zksync.io/bridge
- Bridge 0.08 ETH to zkSync Era Goerli network
- Head over to https://syncswap.xyz
- Swap 0.0001 ETH to USDC on zkSync Era Goerli network

3) Make Transactions

- Create a second wallet inside of your Metamask (you could use one you’ve already made in a previous Airdrop)
- Send your zkSync Era Testnet ETH to that second wallet
- Send the ETH back to your main wallet

4) Interact with Nexon dApp

- Head over to https://testnet.nexon.finance
- Connect your Metamask wallet
- Click on “Tweet & Proceed”
- Click on “Claim Tokens” up top on the Nexon page and confirm the transaction on your Metamask wallet
- Click on Ethereum in the table and supply Nexon with 0.01 ETH. Confirm the transaction on your Metamask wallet
- Click on Ethereum again and withdraw the Ethereum you just supplied. You can allow some time before withdrawing it if you’d like

5) Interact with more MesProtocol dApp

- Head over to https://app.mesprotocol.com/portfolio
- Connect your wallet
- Deposit 0.05 ETH to your vault
- Head over to https://app.mesprotocol.com/spot/ETH-USDC
- Try out the buy and sell functions buy selling the ETH in your vault to USDC and then buying the ETH back
- Head back to the portfolio page and withdraw your ETH

6) Interact with Mute dApp

- Head over to https://app.mute.io
- Connect your wallet
- Swap 0.01 ETH for MUTE tokens
- Click on the Pool tab in the Menu
- Provide liquidity for the WETH/MUTE pair
- Leave it for a period of time before withdrawing

7) Interact with Orbiter Finance

- Head over to www.orbiter.finance
- Connect your wallet
- Bridge 0.011 ETH from Goerli to zkSync(G)
-Swap from zkSync(G) to Arbitrum Nova(G)
-Swap $ETH back to Goerli 

8) Interact with Onchain Trade

- Head over to https://beta.onchain.trade
- Connect your wallet
- Bridge 0.11 ETH from Goerli to zkSync(G)
-Swap from zkSync(G) to Arbitrum Nova(G)
-Swap back to Goerli

9) Interact with zkSwap

- Head over to https://app.zk-swap.xyz/
- Connect your wallet
- Bridge 0.5 ETH from Goerli to zkSync(G)...If not already done
-Swap from ETH to zk.USDT
-Swap from ETH to WETH
-Swap from ETH to or zk.DAI
-Go to their Earn- Pools: https://app.zk-swap.xyz/pools
-Provide liquidity for the zk.USDT - zk.DAI & zk.USDT - ETH pools

10) Join the Dyl-i-Y Discord for New Steps & New Airdrops

- Dyl-i-Y Discord: https://discord.gg/9gWTHDEgGZ
-Feeling another airdrop? Check out the XDX Exchange Airdrop Guide

What is zkSynk Era?

zkSync Era is a an Ethereum Layer-2 protocol that scales Ethereum with state of the art ZK technology. Their mission is to increase Ethereum's throughput, while preserving its foundational values of scaleable decentralization, freedom, and self-sovereignty. zkSync Era aims to embrace Trustlessness, Security, Resilience, Forkability, and Community Ownership!

Send Any ERC-20 Token(Whatever you mine):

Wallet Address: 0xFDeF46384620B1F0E13b2fEA0f55550159f0BD39